Ritz Cracker Shrimp Appetizer

easyshrimpappetizerWe had a little too much fun with cousins over the holiday break.  Poor baby Lizzie ended up sick with a high fever and cold right around New Years this year so I was unable to make my usual New Years’ Eve spread.  In keeping with our little family tradition I made Scott’s favorite appetizer.  Shrimp on a Ritz cracker with cream cheese and cocktail sauce.  This may go under the #looksgrosstastesgreat category… maybe not.  I used a fancy font for my site name so I think we will be okay.  Anyhow, with a sick baby and no time to cook I made this at the last second for Oma’s New Years’ Eve party. They were of course a hit!  I think we will make them again for Superbowl Sunday.

Ritz Cracker Shrimp Appetizers

  • Ritz crackers
  • cream cheese, softened
  • cooked, peeled shrimp
  • cocktail sauce

Spread a bit of softened cream cheese over Ritz crackers.  Place prepared shrimp on top of cream cheese.  Top with cocktail sauce.  Make lots of extra – these disappear quickly!