Logo Cookies for PASS SQL Saturday

Here are some logo cookies I made way back in April.  These were favors for the Phoenix PASS SQL Saturday.  I have no idea what all that means but wonder if someone will be misdirected searching for something technical.

Logo cookies are tricky!  I felt like by the time I finished all 50 of these I finally knew what I was doing.  I thought I could make these with one consistency icing but I needed much more control to get the shape of the key just right.  At about 3am I was wishing I had an edible ink printer to make these.

The icing was done in advanced to get the deep blue color.  I used the outline then flood method starting with the green key.  From there I outlined the blue area of the cookie.  Last I added the white border around the key using a larger piping tip.

I loved the way the squares looked all lined up.  These fit so nicely in a small bakers box.  There is nothing like a local pickup!

I think securemama may be the only person to look at this and actually know what SQL is all about.  Just a test to see if anyone is actually reading this. 🙂