Ground Beef for Recipes

Ground Beef for Recipes

  • 2 Tablespoons olive oil
  • 4 cloves minced garlic
  • 2 small onions, finely chopped
  • 4 lbs. Lean Ground beef (93/7)
  • 2 teaspoons garlic salt (optional)
  • 1 can beef broth (or as needed)

Heat large stock pot over medium heat.  Sauté garlic until fragrant.  Add onions and cook until translucent.  Reduce heat to prevent the onions from burning   Add the ground beef, stir while cooking.  Season with garlic salt.  The beef is completely cooked when browned and when the temperature reaches 160 F.  At this point the beef should still be mostly covered in liquid.  Add beef broth as needed to allow most of the meat to be covered in liquid.  Depending on the recipes you will be using, place 1-2 cups beef covered in broth into quart-sized freezer bags.  Carefully squeeze out the extra air by flattening and folding the bag.  The broth is key because it helps coat the meat and keep air out.  If you do not have broth you can use water mixed with beef bouillon.  This will prevent freezer burn and spoilage.  Precooked ground beef can last for up to four months in the freezer.  When ready to use, remove hardened fat, then place in a container in the refrigerator to defrost overnight.  This meat is great for tacos, tostadas, burritos, chili, poor-mans casserole,  beef stroganoff, empanadas, sloppy joes, navajo tacos, etc.  I prepare the ground beef this way when the beef is on sale.  I prefer to stretch the meat by mixing it with black beans or cooked potatoes.