How to Ship Cookies

What do I love just as much as Hello Kitty cookies?  Bubble wrap.  Shipping cookies every now and then gives me an excuse to buy ginormous rolls of it.

I take a lot of care to package and ship cookies so they do not break en route.  For this I use lots and lots of bubble wrap to go around each cookie, then more bubble wrap to make sure they fit snug in the box.  I then place the small box inside of a larger boxer with either packaging peanuts, craft paper, or large air bags for cushioning.  My sister Cathy thinks I go a little overboard.

Cookie packaging checklist: small box, larger box (not too much larger, shipping will cost more), bubble wrap and something to cushion the small box.

Step 1: How to ship cookies – Bubble wrap!

The sheets I am using were purchased from a huge roll of bubble wrap from Staples.  You could also order large rolls online from a company such as uline.  I like to use one 18 inch sheet of bubble wrap for two cookies.  I place the cookies down on the bubble wrap and turn them a couple of times on the sheet of bubble wrap so they are nice and cozy and don’t break.

Step 2: How to Ship Cookies – Find a small box

Line the small box with 1-2 layer of bubble wrap.  Carefully place the wrapped cookies on the bubble wrap.  Do not overcrowd the cookies.  Between layers of cookies add more bubble wrap.  Place them in a box that is not too big, not to small.

I am so not-for-profit when it comes to selling cookies.  So I find boxes at local grocery stores.  I LOVE these Whitman’s candy boxes from our local grocery store.  They are just right size.  Yes, I could order these in bulk, but that means I would have to find a place to store them.  Plus, it’s more fun to find them for free.  I pass the savings on to costumers or don’t spend quite as much when shipping cookies as gifts.

In this case I have a dozen Hello Kitty cookies total and the box is perfect fit.

Step 3: How to Ship Cookies: Place the smaller box in the larger box

I really like how this box says rush delivery, and hope someone won’t be disappointed when they realize it is not chocolate.  Today I am using those air-pocket things as cushioning, because that is what I have on hand.  Sometimes I can sweet talk the worker at the UPS store to add packaging peanuts for free.  I have also used craft paper.  The most important thing is to make sure the cookies do not rattle in the small box, and that the small box does not rattle in the large box.

Place more of whatever cushioning on top of the small box.  Shipping cookies is all about keeping them nice and cozy in the boxes.  Seal box.

As to shipping services, I prefer UPS with its online tracking tools, free insurance up to $100 etc.  Actually, more than that I love that there is never ever a line and it’s just a block away from my house.  I’ve attempted to use the regular post office priority boxes but they never seem to be the right size for my cookies.

So send some cookie love this holiday season!